Picture reps are when you give someone a reputation point, good or bad, and in the comment box, post the url of a nasty, funny, or unrelated picture enclosed in IMG tags. The only good part about reputation points are picture reps. Everyone freaks out over bad rep points, and strives for that insane number of good rep points. REPUTATION POINTS: Useless, pointless, and yet still coveted. Here's the breakdown: Nice comment -> Good Reps (see below) -> Private Message -> Personal info -> Phonecall = Looking for internet sex. People still want internet poontang, but they do it more ninja-esque. But everyone there is an asshole and thinks they compare to God himself, mods included. The only chats that really keeps this minimal is the Video Game Chat. CHATS: Chats are pretty much useless and full of people wanting internet poontang.
Chat Avenue consists of 12 chats, including an Adult, Gay, Dating, Kids, Video Games, Sports, Singles, Music, General, College, Teen, and Girls Only, as well as a chat-avenue forum. Supposedly the 'web's largest chat community', and holding the self-proclaimed '#1' before it, Chat-Avenue (Also known as C/A, C-A, or just CA) is a place for anything.